5 Foods That Will Make Your Tooth Whitening Procedure Useless in No Time

Tooth whitening is an elective procedure that is undertaken to remove staining and discolouration from teeth. It is one of the most commonly-done cosmetic dental procedures and can vastly improve the colour of teeth following the procedure. However, the results of tooth whitening are not permanent, since teeth can still pick up the same stains they were exposed to prior to the procedure. Proper oral care is, of course, essential to keeping your bright smile, and this includes avoiding foods and drinks which can stain your pearly-white smile. Read More 

Some Questions You Might Have About Wearing Dentures

Dentures can be a good choice for anyone who is missing far too many teeth to have replaced with implants; the gums cannot always manage too many implants as these may cause discomfort when replacing an entire set of teeth. If your teeth are very decayed and you're already missing a few, a dental bridge may also not be very secure, as these usually need to adhere to the teeth you still have. Read More 

A Cosmetic Challenge: How to Care For Your Veneers

Porcelain veneers are thin pieces of porcelain which are used to recreate the look of natural teeth. Veneers are often chosen when slight alterations or changes need to be made to the tooth size, shape or colour. The treatment can also be used to correct the spacing between teeth. Veneers are extremely strong and can withstand the forces generated by chewing food. But it is important to remember that dental porcelain is a form of glass, which is strong but isn't completely indestructible. Read More 

Keep Teeth Clean: Are You Brushing Your Teeth Correctly?

You've only got one set of teeth, so it's best to look after them. The easiest way to do that is to ensure that you are brushing correctly. Brushing incorrectly can be bad for your long term dental health, wearing away your tooth enamel and gums; whereas brushing correctly can help to prevent problems like cavities and gum disease and leave you with healthy, happy teeth for the rest of your days. Read More 

Is Your Daily Dose of Aspirin Making Your Gums Bleed?

If you take aspirin every day to manage a heart condition, you may notice some dental side effects over time. The properties of aspirin that make the drug a useful defence against heart disease may also have a less beneficial effect on your gums, which may start to bleed more easily than in the past. Why does aspirin make your gums bleed and what should you do if this starts to happen? Read More