Gum Disease: Three Treatment Options to Consider

Gum disease is also known as periodontitis and it occurs when the gum tissues are infected. The common symptoms of this condition include redness, swelling and bleeding when brushing the teeth. Generally, periodontitis begins as gingivitis which is mild inflammation of the gums. The gingivitis can be attributed to bacterial build-up on the teeth, so the condition can be reversed when it is treated early. If this advances to periodontitis, the bacteria will break down the tissues and bone supporting the teeth. Consequently, the teeth might become loose and the gum tissues may form abscesses. Here are the treatment options that you need to understand if you have been diagnosed with periodontal disease. 

Deep Cleaning

Deep cleaning is a viable option for gum disease treatment to consider if the condition is not very advanced. Basically, this type of therapy will eliminate the bacterial populations that have become established in your oral cavity. Professional cleaning involves two primary processes: scaling and root planing. The scaling process means that the dentist will scrape the tartar and plaque that has accumulated on the teeth, both above and blow your gum line. Root planing will smooth out the rough areas on the teeth because these encourage the growth of bacteria. This treatment method can be a little uncomfortable but dentists usually administer local anaesthesia.  


Medication is often used in tandem with deep cleaning or surgical treatment. However, if the gum disease has not advanced significantly beyond the mild gingivitis, the pharmaceuticals can be used to combat advancement and promote healing. Prescription antimicrobial rinses are commonly prescribed because they clean out germs from the general oral cavity. Your dentist might prescribe oral antibiotics if the periodontitis is a persistent condition. In such cases, the problem might be systemic, so the drugs will destroy the bacteria in the entire body. Antibiotic gel can be applied on the site of the infections to reduce pockets around the infected teeth while killing harmful bacteria. Other medication options include enzyme suppressants and antiseptic chips.

Surgical Intervention

Surgical intervention might be necessary if you noticed the problem after it had already advanced. Moreover, the deep cleaning will not resolve issues like tartar in the deep pockets of the gum tissues. The common surgical procedure in periodontal treatment is flap surgery. Basically, the treatment involves lifting the gum around the teeth and cleaning so that the gum will heal and fit around the teeth. If your supporting tissues and bones are weakened, you might require grafts for restoration. 

For further assistance, contact local professionals, such as those from Complete Dental Care.
