Have you ever thought about how dentistry will look in the future? Will the seemingly advanced technology that can be utilised in healthcare evolve to the point that it becomes common usage, or will it become obsolete? From assistance to your smartphone, to robots, to the human dentists of the future, what is the future of dentistry going to look like?
There's an App for That
There's an app to manage pretty much every aspect of life, and teeth cleaning apps are nothing new.
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Many people worry about the appearance of their teeth, and yellow or discoloured teeth are a very common cause for concern. However, they may not know about the process of teeth whitening and how it works, which this guide aims to explain in detail.
Who Is Teeth Whitening Suitable for?
Teeth whitening is suitable for most people with a good standard of dental health. However, if you have crowns, bridges or dentures of any kind, you should speak to your dentist before deciding to whiten your teeth.
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There are a number of reasons why you may need the services of an emergency dentist, such as a broken or chipped tooth. However, you should also make an emergency appointment if you have a swollen face, particularly if it came on suddenly and is accompanied by a lot of pain. Here's why.
The cause
There can be several things causing a swollen face, including poor nutrition and trauma to the face (in which case, you should see your dentist to get x-rayed as soon as possible).
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Tooth whitening is one of the most common cosmetic dentistry procedures that works to improve your smile. However, there are several tooth whitening options or methods available. What you choose will determine crucial aspects of the procedure, such as how much you will pay and how long the whitening effects will last. Therefore, if it's your first time considering tooth whitening, below is a brief overview of some of the available options.
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You may assume that "root canal" refers to a dental condition, but the truth is it relates to a section of the tooth. This root canal is the name of the inner passage located between the pulp and the root of the tooth. When you develop tooth decay, a bacterial infection or a dental disease, this passage can become infected too. If the infection is left unencumbered, you may end up losing the tooth, as the pulp and the roots can eventually die.
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