5 Things you Should Know Before Visiting the Dentist

You have a very tight schedule this week and perhaps haven't given much consideration to your next visit to the dentist. However, these suggestions will save you time and ease your mind regarding any misgivings you may have. Here are five things your dentist wants you to know before your appointment:

Bleeding Gums Aren't Normal

A significant majority of the public is under the impression that bleeding a little after brushing one's teeth is normal. As a result, most people don't see the need for concern when they visit an oral healthcare professional. Bleeding gums signify an infection caused by gum inflammation- in some instances, people lose their teeth. If you notice blood when flossing or brushing, let your dentist know at the earliest possible.

Don't Over-Floss 

Flossing is paramount to dental health. However, not everyone is keen on the practice. If you've not been flossing regularly, doing it before your dental appointment is no good. Trying to make up for it before the date only irritates your gums. It also makes cleaning your teeth more uncomfortable. Besides, the professional can always tell whether or not you've been flossing.

X-Rays Are Not Harmful

Are you among the patients who are concerned about the radiation levels emitted during X-rays? Well, you shouldn't be worried at all. That brief X-ray session will not give you cancer. In fact, you are exposed to more radiation after sunbathing for an hour than you are at the dentist. Pregnant women have nothing to worry about as well. It is crucial for pregnant women to maintain proper dental hygiene because the hormonal changes make them susceptible to gum disease.

Bring your Dental Records

Previous dental records from another oral professional will be of great assistance to your new dentist. They give the expert a more apparent understanding of what your teeth have undergone previously, if you have a current condition, and if you require any procedure during your visit. X-rays are critical to accurately evaluating your dental condition. Thus, if you've had any taken previously, you should have them sent over. What's more, your insurance may fail to cover these expenses again.

Dental Health is Complicated

Most people assume that their dental health is in excellent condition provided they aren't feeling pain. Regarding teeth, pain is the worst measure of health. For most dental problems, you will only feel pain after the condition has worsened. For instance, if you have a hairline fracture on your tooth, you may not feel any pain until the fracture splits all the way to the root.Therefore, regardless of how healthy a smile looks do not skip your next dentist appointment. The pain may just be delayed.

Most people detest a visit to the dentist. However, it is in your best interests to make this professional a friend if you want to continue flashing that dashing smile. And don't be embarrassed, dentists have seen it all.
