The Most Straightforward Way to Correct a Gummy Smile
What do people see when you smile? Is it a typically toothy grin, or is there perhaps a bit too much pink in the mix? An abundance of gum tissue when you smile is not something that is generally a medical concern, and yet the aesthetics of the issue can be problematic on a personal level. It might be that you're self conscious about your smile. Perhaps you've never thought to ask your dentist if something can be done? Solving this issue is relatively straightforward, courtesy of a minor procedure known as a gum gingivectomy. So what exactly is involved?
The Location of Your Dental Pulp
Your dentist might opt to take an x-ray before proceeding. This allows them to see the precise location of your dental pulp, as in where the tooth ends and where the nerve begins. They will need to safely remove enough gum tissue to achieve the desired result without exposing the dental pulp, rendering your teeth more susceptible to decay (not to mention the discomfort of an exposed dental pulp).
Scalpel or Laser
Depending on how much gum tissue needs to be removed, your dentist might then proceed with a scalpel or a laser cutter. There is some discomfort involved (after all, they are cutting away living tissue) as well as some minor bleeding. Naturally, it's possible to receive a local anaesthetic to numb the area to minimise your discomfort. The dentist then precisely removes the required amount of gum tissue in order to expose more of the surface of the teeth in question.
After the Procedure
You might wish to undergo teeth whitening once the area has healed. This is not always necessary, but it's important to realise that the portions of your teeth that were previously concealed by gum tissue might be a slightly different colour to the rest of the teeth (which might have been discoloured by your diet and general lifestyle). It varies from person to person, and the difference might be so negligible as to make teeth whitening unnecessary. But it's something to consider if your newly shaped smile has a distinctive two-toned effect. Remember that teeth whitening can only go ahead once your gums have healed, so be sure to get the allclear from your dentist before proceeding.
Have a word with a dentist to determine if you're a suitable candidate for a gum gingivectomy. It's not a complicated procedure and your smile can be utterly transformed.